Little Miss Piggy

Little Miss Piggy is the story of Brechtje Jans (11) who is raised on a farm. Compared to her classmates in the next village she is a tough cookie, used to living the great outdoors and plowing through the fields in her rubber boots. Brechtje loves animals and seeing them get killed breaks her heart. This is deeply at odds with the environment in which she is raised. On the farm dozens of piglets are born every day. In a matter of weeks these piglets must be grown into pigs that are ready to be slaughtered for their meat.

This used to be part of Brechtjes everyday life. But the girl is growing up and realizes she is developing her own opinions. She is starting to turn away from the agrarian lifestyle. Where she used to love the pigs, she now finds working in the stables boring and smelly. On top of that, her daily 18-kilometer bicycle trips add to her sense of isolation. The farm is far removed from the village, away from the ‘real life.’ Brechtje likes to fantasize about a life outside the farm, in the big city.


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Ellen Vloet

Ellen Vloet directed a Doc25 Florentijn Hofman- larger than life for AVRO.


Cinematography: Aage Hollander
Sound: Tim van Peppen
Edited by Patrick Minks
In co-production with VPRO.
Developed during the Kids & Docs workshop. Supported by Media Fund.
