Free Space (2024)

Free Space

Under pressure from activist groups, there is a contemporary phenomenon of canceling art or artists for ideological reasons, where the artist’s color and gender are decisive factors. Filmmaker Karin Junger explores the impact of this on freedom of expression in her documentary ‘Free Space’ and asks: who is allowed to create what, who decides that, and why?


TV broadcast: June 4th on NPO 2 (Uur van de Wolf/NTR – 10:40 PM).


Length: 65′

  • Under pressure from activist groups, there is a contemporary phenomenon of canceling art or artists for ideological reasons, where the artist’s color and gender are decisive factors. Filmmaker Karin Junger explores the impact of this on freedom of expression in her documentary ‘Free Space’ and......


Karin Junger


Karin Junger (1957) studied French and masscomunication. She is a director of both fiction as documentary. As a documentary director she directed ‘Ik alleen in de klas’ and ‘Sexy Money’ (nomination Golden Calf 2014).