
The film Daymohk tells the story of the Chechenian dancer and choreographer Ramzan Achmadov, whose dancegroup Daymohk found support of the president of the country, Kadyrov. With that, the threat of extinction of this age-old folk dance is temporarily over. But the price for that is high: In his attempt to save the tradition of his country, Ramzan sacrifices to those in power what he prefers.


Daymohk is a co-production with Cerutti Film.


Director Masha Novikova

Previous work and awards
“Brieven aan jezelf” 
Nominated for a Gouden Kalf best short documentary, NFF, 2014

“Zoete rook van het vaderland”
Nominated for a Gouden Kalf best feature length documentary, NFF, 2012

“Anna, zeven jaar aan de frontlinie” (NOVDOC/ Amnesty int)

Openingsfilm Amnesty Film Festival, Amsterdam, 2007.
Amnesty Award, Planete+Doc, Warschau, Polen 2008
Special Mention Prize, 44a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema Pesaro, Italië, 2008
Special Jury Prize, Festival of Liberties, Brussel, 2008
Audience Award de Verzio 5 Doc Film Festival, Budapest, 2008
Special Mention Prize, One World Brussel, 2010
Beste Documentaire Moqavemat FF Teheran, Iran, 2010

Drie Kameraden (VPRO/NOVDOC) 2006.
Nominatie Sundance Festival, USA, 2007
Segundo premio tiempo de historia, Valladolid Film Festival, Spanje, 2006.
Special Mention Prize of the International Jury, Planete+Doc Warschau, Polen, 2007
Premio Amnesty op Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema Pesaro Film Festival, Italie, 2007
Grand Prize Golden Trophy, Ismailia International Festival, Egypte, 2007
Best Investigative Documentary, RTP 2, Lissabon, Portugal, 2007
Special Mention Prize, MARFICI, Mar del Plata, Argentinië, 2007


Director: Masha Novikova
Camera: Vladas Naudzius
Sound: Rik Meier
Scenarist: Tamara Vuurmans
Editor: Srdjan Fink
Sound design: Jeroen Goeijers
Camera clip: Reinout Steenhuizen
Camera assistent: Kira Falticeanu
Translation / subtitles: Aai Prins, Sasha Ourikh
English subtitles: Harry Pallemans
Production: Margreet Ploegmakers, Abigail Prade, Judith Vreriks
Producer EO/IKONdocs: Margie Monfils

EO/IKONdocs: Barbara Wiessing
Commissioning editor EO/IKONdocs: Margje de Koning
Coproducent: Willemijn Cerutti