Privégesprekken (2022)

How does cancer affect your sex life? In Privégesprekken, three couples have candid and intimate conversations about their relationship during and after cancer. As a patient or ex-patient and a non-ill partner, they not only focus on each other, but also question their own intimacy struggle as a result of the disease. The film reflects on what many people with cancer experience, but which is still little talked about.

Privégesprekken is een Zeppers Film productie, in co-productie met de HUMAN en werd gerealiseerd met steun van CoBO en NFK.

Privégesprekken had een speciale vertoning in het EYE FILMMUSEUM in september 2022, en was later die maand ook te zien op televisie.




Walter Stokman


Director and editor Walter Stokman

Camera Bo Bolderink

Sound Diego van Uden
